AIUCHI - simultaneous strike
ATE - strike
AYUMI ASHI - normal walking
ATODE - after
ASHI - foot/leg
BATTO - sword drawing/cutting
BOKKEN/BOKUTO - wooden sword
BUDO - martial way
BUSHIDO - way of martial ethics
BUSHI - warrior
CHIBURUI - blood shake
CHINUGUI - blood wipe
CHIHARAI - blood sweep or cleanse
CHUDAN - middle level
CHISAI - small
CHIKAKU - near
CHIGAU - different
DAISHO - large & small sword pair
DAITO - large sword
DATTO - take sword from obi
DOJO - training hall
DAME - no good/wrong
DO - movement / way of / target area above the hip
DAN - level or grade
EMBU - formal demonstration
EMBUGI - jacket worn for demonstration
ENZAN NO METSUKE - wide gaze
FUDOSHIN - imoveable mind
FURI KABURI - raising the sword above the head
FUSHIN - frozen or stopped mind
FUKAKU - character
GANMEN - point between the eyes
GEDAN - lower level
GOKAI - robust
GYAKU - reverse
GANRIKI - power from the eyes
HA - Cutting edge of blade / tooth
HAJIME - begin/start
HAKAMA - pleated baggy trousers
HARA - abdomen/stomach
HASUJI - angle of the blade edge
HANAMI - 45 degree body position
HAYAKU - quick
HAYAI - quickly
HEIHO - strategy
HEIJISHIN - everyday mind
HIDARI - left
HIMO - strap or tie, can refer to the ties on hakama