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==Middleton Leisure Centre Leeds - Sun 13th April 2008==
<!-- ## Please use the below as a template for seminars you wish to advertise ##
==Eikoku Roshukai Summer Seminar (Leeds) - Sat 12th & Sun 13st September 2009==
The weekend will include Omori / Eishin / Okuden and Tachi Uchi No Kurai<br/>
Your instructors will be Neil Kemp, Steve Watering, Mark Sykes, Tim Hamilton, Brian Morrison, Collin Wood and Martin Simpson.<br/><br/>
<b>Training times</b><br/>
<b>Training times</b><br/>
10am - 4pm<br/>
Saturday 10am - 4pm<br/>
Sunday 10am - 4pm<br/>
Monday 10am - 3pm<br/>
Lunch 12:30 - 1pm<br/><br/>
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The Ring Road<br/>
The Ring Road<br/>
Leeds <br/>
LS10 4AX<br/>
[http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=middleton+leisure+centre+leeds&ie=UTF8&z=11&iwloc=A View Map]
Seminar fee is £20 per day. Please bring packed lunch for the days you are training, refreshments will be available throughout the day.<br/>
For further details contact Mark Sykes on 0113 2401486
<!-- ## Template for Seminars at Brians ##
==Eikoku Roshukai Seminar (Nottingham) - Sat 5th & Sun 6th Feb 2011==
<b>Training times</b><br/>
*  Saturday 10am - 4pm<br/>
*  Sunday 10am - 4pm<br/>
The Sports Hall
National Water Sports Centre
Adbolton Lane
Holme Pierrepont
NG12 2LU
<b>Download directions</b> to the [http://www.nwscnotts.com/assets/pdf/directions.pdf National Water Sports Centre here].
View [http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Holme+Pierrepont,+Nottingham+sports+hall&aq=&sll=52.940647,-1.089878&sspn=0.008884,0.021865&ie=UTF8&hq=sports+hall&hnear=Holme+Pierrepont,+Nottingham,+United+Kingdom&ll=52.940673,-1.10301&spn=0.035535,0.087461&z=14 Google Map] for directions.
<b>Seminar fee is £15 per day or £25 for both days.</b>
Be aware that a water sports event is scheduled for this weekend so you should book nearby accommodation as early as possible.
Please confirm your intention to attend by contacting Brian on 01509 856647 or Ken on 07949 565162 <br/>
For anyone intending to stay overnight in Nottingham the [http://www.bedandbreakfastnationwide.com/bbnHomeDesc.cfm?Telephone=2350 Butts B&B] is situated in nearby Radcliffe-on-Trent.<br/>
View the [http://seirokan.co.uk/events.html Seiro Kan Nottingham club website] for more details.
==Eikoku Roshukai Seminar (Nottingham) – 26 & 27 January 2013==
<b>Training times</b><br/>
*  Saturday 10am - 4pm<br/>
*  Sunday 10am - 4pm<br/>
The Grange,
Vicarage Lane,
Radcliffe on Trent, 
NG12 2FB
<b>Download directions</b> to the [http://www.radcliffe-grangehall.co.uk/Map.htm Grange Hall here].
<b>Seminar fee is £15 per day or £25 for both days.</b>
Please confirm your intention to attend by contacting Brian on 01509 856647 <br/>
For anyone intending to stay overnight in Nottingham the [http://www.bedandbreakfast-nottingham.com/index.html Hillcrest B&B] and the [http://www.talbothousehotel.co.uk/ Talbot House hotel] are situated nearby in Radcliffe-on-Trent.<br/>
View the [http://seirokan.co.uk/events.html Seiro Kan Nottingham club website] for more details.
[http://maps.google.com/maps?client=opera&ie=UTF8&oe=utf-8&q=middleton+leisure+centre&near=Leeds,+UK&fb=1&cid=0,0,9167740258802878422&ll=53.749523,-1.526756&spn=0.013247,0.029182&z=15 Google Maps]
For further details call Mark Sykes on 0113 2401486 or email mailto:m.sykes@tiscali.co.uk
==Introduction to Shinto Muso Ryu Jodo - Sat 6th & Sun 7th Oct 2007==  
Instruction by Adrian Knight - Shinto Muso Ryu Shomokuroku<br/>
==Eikoku Roshukai Dan Grading Seminar (Preston) - Sun 28th Nov 2010==
<b>Training Times</b><br/>
<b>Training times</b><br/>
Saturday 10am - 12:30pm & 1:30pm - 5:30pm<br/>
10am - 4pm<br/>
Sunday 10am - 12:30pm & 1:30pm - 5:30pm<br/>
Our Lady's Star of the Sea Parish Centre<br/>
St Walburge's Church<br/>
63 St. Albans Road<br/>
Ashton - On - Ribble<br/>
Lytham St Annes<br/>
PR2 2QJ<br/>
[http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=PR2+2QJ&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=34.999041,56.513672&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Preston+PR2+2QJ,+United+Kingdom&ll=53.772356,-2.715855&spn=0.05103,0.110378&z=13 View Map]
Dojo leaders - if you are planning on nominating any of your students for the grading, please can you inform the secretary [mailto://colinp.wood@tiscali.co.uk Colin Wood]<br/>
For more info please read the [http://www.fyldeorientalarts.co.uk/Jodokai_UK//SMR%20jodo%206-7%20Oct%2007.pdf brochure].
Please remember to bring:
*Pack Lunch<br/>-->
<!-- ## Template for GLENISLA ##
==GlenIsla Seminar - 7th - 8th June 2014==
<b>Training times</b><br/>
On mat 9.45 am Saturday and Sunday<br/>
The hall at Kirkton of Glenisla is a modern one with ladies' and gents' changing rooms and showers.<br/>
SatNav: Postcode PH11 8PH<br/>
<b>Friday 6th June</b><br/>
The hall will be open Friday evening 6 June for anyone wishing to travel that day and sleep over in the hall.<br/>
Bring your own breakfast.  Kitchen facilities and fridge etc are available.<br/>
A snack lunch is included each day included in the course fee.<br/>
<b>The Enjukan Dinner</b><br/>
On Saturday evening a delicious dinner of local highland produce is served in the hall (all included in the seminar fee – including drink!). This has been hailed as one of the principal social events of the Jikiden calendar – at least by us.<br/>
Feel free to sleep in the hall. You will need to bring your own mattress. There is a separate area for ladies (the stage). Please bring your own sleeping kit. There are hotels and B&Bs close by.  Please contact Cliff Schooling (01575 582294) for hotel information if required.<br/>
<b>Seminar Fees</b><br/>
£55.00 (same as 2012 and 2013: and includes dinner, drink and snack lunches) less £15 if you can only come for one day, and another £15 if you don’t want the dinner. Under 25s get £10 discount on the weekend rate. Pay Cliff Schooling on arrival. Cash is preferred as there is no club bank account. If you need to write a cheque please make it payable to Cliff Schooling. Teachers must not try to pay.<br/>
Advance booking via e-mail (ian@enjukan.co.uk) is vital so we can plan the catering, Spaces are limited. BOOK NOW!!!!!<br/>
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Latest revision as of 04:09, 10 December 2019